Saturday, January 1, 2022

2nd-8th Jan

 Happy New Year Everyone!!

Hope you all had great holidays, enjoyed time with your families and got some skiing in. This week is looking like a chilly one so remember to dress appropriately for the weather. Also here is the link to our cold weather policy just as a refresher: 


Tuesday 4th Jan


Your practice is 4:30-6pm and you will start and finish in the stadium. Today you will be classic skiing, we will do no poles today because it's to cold to introduce them but hopefully next week will be better!

Blizzard's are meeting in front of the Jackrabbit hut

Avalanche is meeting by the adventure trail


You will be meeting in the stadium ready to go at 4:30pm and skiing until 6pm. You will be classic skiing today.

Rode group is meeting on top of the berm with the flag poles

Swix group is meeting by the timing hut


Practice today is 4:30-6pm and you will be classic skiing. You are meeting and finishing in the stadium

Purple you are meeting in the middle of the stadium


Practice is 4:30-6pm, meet outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You will be classic skiing today.

Wednesday 5th Jan


You are classic skiing today, be ready outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski.

Thursday 6th Jan


Practice is 4:30-6pm and you are meeting in the stadium. You are classic skiing today

Swix group meet by the timing hut

Rode group meet on top of the berm


Practice is 4:30-6pm today and you will meet and end in the stadium. You are classic skiing again.

Purple you are meeting in the middle of the stadium


Meet out front of the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You are classic skiing again

Saturday 8th Jan


Practice is 1-2:30 pm, you are classic skiing and it's still to cold to introduce poles

Avalanche group is meeting by the adventure trail

Blizzard group is meeting in front of the Jackrabbit hut


Practice is 1-2:30pm and you will be classic skiing

Swix group will meet in front of the timing hut

Rode group will meet on top of the berm with the flag poles


Meet in the middle of the stadium at 1pm ready to classic ski. Your practice will finish back in the stadium at 2:30pm


Practice is 1-2:30pm, meet outside the wax room at 12:59pm ready to ski. You are going for a classic ski with some technique drills here and there.