Sunday, December 12, 2021

Dec 12th- 19th

 Hi Everyone

This will be the last week of practice before the holidays, we will start again on the 4th Jan. It's a busy week for all squads with the celebration on Tuesday and the races on the weekend!

Tuesday 14th Dec

Yellow, Orange, Purple, Green:

Christmas Celebration in ski stadium, everyone meet in the stadium at 4:30pm and we will wrap it up at 6pm. Yellow will be classic skiing and Orange, Purple and Green will be skating. No Poles for everyone!

Wednesday 15th Dec:


You are skate skiing today, be ready outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski.

Thursday 16th Dec:


Practice is 4:30-6pm and you are meeting in the stadium. I will send out an email Wednesday evening saying if you are classicing or skating.


Practice is 4:30-6pm today and you will meet and end in the stadium. I will send out an email Wednesday evening saying if you are classicing or skating.


Meet out front of the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. I will send out an email Wednesday evening saying if you are classicing or skating.

Saturday 18th Dec


Read Yellow Squad specific page for details about the Classic race today


Read Orange Squad specific page for details about the Skate race today


Read Purple Squad specific page for details about the Skate race today 


Read Green Squad specific page for details about the Skate race today 

Sunday 19th Dec


Read Green Squad specific page for details about the Classic race today




Sunday, December 5, 2021

Dec 5th-11th


Tuesday 7th Dec


Your practice is 4:30-6pm and you will start and finish in the stadium. You will be classic skiing so make sure to arrive a little early to prep your skis! (NO POLES)


You will be meeting in the stadium ready to go at 4:30pm and skiing until 6pm. You will be skate skiing today.


Practice today is 4:30-6pm and you will be skate skiing. You are meeting and finishing in the stadium


Practice is 4:30-6pm, meet outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You will be skate skiing today.

*Wednesday 8th Dec:


You are skate skiing today, be ready outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski.

Thursday 9th Dec:


Practice is 4:30-6pm and you are meeting in the stadium. You are classic skiing today


Practice is 4:30-6pm today and you will meet and end in the stadium. You are classic skiing again.


Meet out front of the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You are classic skiing again

Saturday 11th Dec


Practice is 1-2:30 pm, meet in the stadium by the Jack Rabbit Hut and you will be classic skiing. Part of your practice will be skiing the race course for Don Sumaniks (NO POLES)


Meet in the stadium and practice is from 1-2:30pm. You are classic skiing again. You will also be skiing your Don Sumaniks course


Meet in the stadium at 1pm ready to classic ski. Your practice will finish back in the stadium at 2:30pm. Part of you practice will be skiing the Don Sumaniks course you are doing.


Practice is 1-2:30pm, meet outside the wax room at 12:59pm ready to ski. Part of your practice will be skiing the Don Sumaniks course

Up Coming Events:

14th Dec- Christmas Celebration

18th Dec- Don Sumaniks Memorial Race