Sunday, November 21, 2021

Nov 21st-27th

 Welcome back everyone! 

Hope you got out and explored during the break. We are starting all squads back up because we have enough snow now to space out the groups safely and everyone is felling a little better with where we are at. It's really really important that all squads follow the safe 6!!! Cover your mouth and nose when not skiing and try really hard to keep your distance from others not in your household.

Tuesday 23rd Nov


Welcome back Orange squad!!! You will be meeting in the stadium ready to go at 4:30pm and skiing until 6pm. Get those classic skis ready!!!!


Hope you got out exploring during the break. Practice today is 4:30-6pm and you will be classic skiing


Practice is 4:30-6pm, meet outside the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You will be classic skiing today.

*Wednesday 24th Nov*


We are starting up the Wednesday practices with blue this week. Practice is 4:30-6 and you will be skate skiing.

*Green Squad Trip zoom meeting at 7pm*

Thursday 25th Nov:


Practice is 4:30-6pm today and you will meet and end in the stadium. You are classic skiing again.


Meet out front of the wax room at 4:29pm ready to ski. You will are classic skiing again

Saturday 27th Nov:


Practice is 1-2:30 pm, meet in the stadium by the Jack Rabbit Hut. Today is your first day on skis and you will be classic skiing. *NO POLES*


Meet in the stadium and practice is from 1-2:30pm. You are classic skiing again


Meet in the stadium at 1pm ready to classic ski. You are going for a ski and working on the techniques from Tuesday and Thursday practice.


Practice is 1-2:30pm, meet outside the wax room at 12:59pm ready to ski. You are going for a classic ski with some technique drills here and there.